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Campground Rules

Rates: (tax included) $30 per site per day. Includes one RV with one tent and one vehicle only. Additional vehicle parking per day is $5.

Check In/Out: Check in time is 4 pm and checkout the following day is 2 pm.

Pets: To protect wildlife, children, patrons and other pets, keep your pet(s) on leash(es) and please, before letting them out of your vehicles! Please pick up your pet's droppings and place in garbage. The owner of unsupervised, unleashed, hostile or noisy pet(s) will be asked to leave and will not receive a refund.

Campfires & fireworks: Camp fires are not allowed at individual sites with the exception of the pedestal barbeques for cooking. Wood and bricketts can be used in those. Any fires must be extinguished by midnight. No fireworks under any circumstances. Failure to follow these rules and you will be asked to leave without receiving a refund.

Swimming: Swim or wade in the creek at your own risk. Any fishing will require a fishing license. Inquire with management about details.

Quiet Hours: Quiet hours are between 10 pm and 7 am. No generators or loud equipment will be operated during these hours. No amplified music or unruly behavior is permitted. All outdoor lighting must be down and inwards to each RV spot. No discharge or use of firearms are allowed, ever!

Campsites: Camp only in designated areas. Do not tear up the creek banks or hillsides by climbing, jumping, sliding & making your own trails. Don't move picnic tables around the campsite without camp management approval. Any moved tables must be returned to original placement before leaving.

Groups: Special consideration is given to groups. Half down to reserve site and full payment is required 45 days prior to the event.

Motorized Vehicles: All motorized vehicles, motorbikes and ATV's to stay on established roadways and in designated parking areas. Do not park on or drive across the grass! Any damage to grassy areas and the sprinkler system will be recovered from the persons doing the damage. 

Visitors: Short-term visitor parking is allowed at the entrance area. All short term visitors leave at sundown.

Refuse:  Please place all litter, animal droppings and CIGARETTE BUTTS in the provided trash receptacles. Thank you!

Please respect other campers and the private property of camp management. Feel free to enjoy the area, but please don't enter outbuildings or places that you shouldn't be in. The chickens, geese, turkeys and peafowl are for your enjoyment, so please instruct your children and guests NOT to chase the animals as this stresses them and makes them fearful of humans. Thank you!

All camping is at your own risk and you assume responsibility for all injuries, accidents and damages. 

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